

The hardware Longest Prefix Match table has been exceeded and the specified IPv4 unicast route entry could not be added to the hardware. The LPM table is shared by IPv4 and IPv6 route entries. The routes with the longest subnet mask lengths are maintained in the LPM table. Any IPv4 unicast packet to a destination not present in either the L3 host forwarding table or the LPM routing table will be slowpath forwarded.


"debug hal show ipv4fib" can be used to determine which IP unicast route entries were not added to hardware. Any entry in this display without the "F" (Forwarded to hardware) flag is not currently programmed in hardware. Even an entry in this display with the "F" (Forwarded to hardware) flag may not be currently programmed in hardware on all nodes. Use the "debug hal show ipv4fib slot N" on a module or node, and look for the "S" (Setup in hardware) flag.



Message Text

vrId %vrId% IPv4 route %destAddr%:%maskLen% nexthop %nexthop% not added to hardware. Hardware LPM Table full.

Message Parameters

Name Type
destAddr IP
maskLen IPmasklen
nexthop IP